
the black god is my sister/the black god is my mother/the black god is my auntie/my cousin/my lover.



The films in The Book of Small Black Stories utilize the microscopic power of observation that slow motion video yields, as well as inspiration from Black vernacular literature and music, including modern and vintage hip hop, jazz, lo-fi and blues, to create a dynamic archive of Black people. They preserve and present the sorts of information that a census doesn’t collect – our style, our triumphs, the ways we absorb, deflect and transmute the impacts of our trauma. They explore the myriad expressions of Black power, the sorcery of Black femininity, the varied manifestations of the Black family, and more.


How To Read From The Book of Small Black Stories

You can read these stories any way you like and you will be well served by the experience.

However, their form also serves a function. Each video is divinely attuned to share a unique message with its watcher. One very useful approach to reading them is as a tool of divination. Here’s a simple idea for how to do this. But again — do what you feel.

  1. Tap the The Book of Small Black Stories Divination Deck to shuffle it, while focusing on an idea, a memory, a concern, a struggle, a difficulty, a point of confusion.

  2. While the deck shuffles, say a short prayer, asking your ancestors and spirit guides for the clarity to see, or you can simply meditate, or count to a meaningful number.

  3. Tap (or pause) the deck again to choose a card.

  4. Reflect on your connection to the themes shown on the card.

  5. Find the corresponding video, organized alphabetically below, and watch with sound. This is important.

  6. Let the video loop as many times as possible, but no less than 3 times for short videos, and twice for longer ones. This is important.

  7. Reflect more, until clarity comes. The time this takes will vary. Keep the faith.

STEP 1: click to shuffle the deck

STEP 2: click again to select

STEP 1: click to shuffle the deck ► STEP 2: click again to select ►

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